You can choose eat out and eat healthy, too. Many food restaurants offer delicious food that are low in saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol. That’s smart news for your health because a diet high in saturated, trans fats and cholesterol raises blood cholesterol. High blood cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease, and it’s also a risk factor for stroke.
Before you want to going out to eat, identify healthier menu choices using the restaurant’s Web site or a site like Many restaurants provide nutrition information online and in stores these days.
Select foods that are flavored with spices and fresh herbs, as those items are more likely to have lower fat and sodium content. Many ethnic cuisines embrace this philosophy, so why not order something Latin American or Asian and be adventurous and healthy at the same time?
If you are craving dessert, opt for something lower in calories and fat, like sorbet, fresh berries or fruit. Or better yet, share your dessert with your dining partner.
If you have questions, ask your server or other restaurant staff about how items are prepared and what the ingredients are.
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